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Dave Elder - Musician for Peace

A Jolly Rocker Spokesman for Progressive Values

"Dave's music is off-beat, very eclectic, folksy, delivered with a wonderful sense of timing and a great sense of humor."

-Chris Poh, from radio station WDVR

Folk, rock, blues and country mark the 4 main points of Dave's musical compass, though the listener might pick up a hint of gospel, jazz or even classical flavor here and there. Dave Elder is a dynamic and engaging singer-songwriter-performer with a unique point of view.

Dave's July 2024 SoundCloud Song

Pieces of the Puzzle on SoundCloud

(Wednesday, 7/3/24) Today Dave posted Pieces of the Puzzle as his July 2024 SoundCloud tune, and you can hear it by clicking on the title, or on the image above. This Rock Ave. lift sketches an unfolding ride that has a big question mark on the horizon regarding the possible destination that the traveler might want to reach.

Though the holiday season has faded from the rear-view mirror, if you didn't see (or hear) Dave's Holiday Card, you can still check it out - just click on the title to find out what that CD has to offer.

Dave Elder's Favorite Songs Playlist

(Sunday, 7/21/24) Song 729: Hot Child in the City by Nick Gilder, written by Nick Gilder and James McCulloch. You can find a YouTube video of it here. As Dave says . . . When the warm weather season arrived in the Windy City area in 1978, I took some . . . Read more

The Big News!

Dave's furry CD Purrfection has landed on Amazon and other music outlets, so if you click on the cover image below, you can now get your very own meow mix.

Purrfection cover

More Recent Releases:

In early 2023 Dave released a CD update of his 1985 cassette Going My Way and you can get that disc from Amazon by clicking on the cover image below.

Going My Way cover

In December of 2023 Dave finished his Rock Ave. CD and now you can listen to that one on Spotify by clicking on the cover.

Rock Ave. cover

The Dave Elder page on Apple Music

Apple Music now has a very nice-looking Dave Elder page where you can stream his entire collection of CDs, and you can check out that page by clicking on the cover image below.

Going My Way cover

Dave's Now Officially a Rock Star

(Tuesday, 3/12/17) In early January Coast 2 Coast released its #Rockstars Mixtape Volume 14 with If I Was You taking a prominent slot as track 22, later moving up to number 21, to 20, and then today to number 19. No further proof of rock star status should be required, although more may come along.

Dave's Video in the News

(Wednesday, 11/22/17) Today a story about the If I Was You YouTube video appeared in a newspaper, and you can check out that write-up here. Earlier in the year, back in April, another article about the video was printed in a different newspaper, and you can check out that account here.

(Sunday, 7/2/17) In light of a recent story about DJT, Dave decided that if the U.S. president can do this, then he could too, and so, if you ever wondered what Dave might look like on the cover of Time, this should answer the question. If you'd like to see a bigger version of this, you can find one in the Photos section on Dave's Facebook page here.


Dave on Spotify

You can hear all, or any part, of Dave's CDs Rock Ave., Going My Way, Workingman's Dave, Purrfection, Elder Statesman, Who Said What, Elder Street, Country Drivin', and/or Holiday Card, on Spotify, and you can find those CDs there just by clicking on the titles. In addition, back in early 2017 Dave created two Spotify playlists - Dave Elder's Favorite Anti-war Songs and Me and My Songwriter Friends. The second one showcases the work of some of Dave's good friends who are also fellow songwriters, including Jeff Larson, Patti Rothberg, Joe Canzano and Carol Denney. Clicking on the playlist title will take you to where they live on Spotify.

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a harmonica


That's Dave on the right, with Jeff Larson (middle) and Craig Rigglesford (left) in Big Sur, many years ago.

crossed guitars