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Could Have Been There

They say he took two fishes and five loaves of bread,

that's what they say, that's what I hear,

they say out in the desert five thousand got fed.

If I could have been there just to see it,

if I could have been there.

They say he was on a boat in the middle of a storm,

that's what they say, that's what I hear,

they say he spoke to the wind and the wind died down.

If I could have been there just to see it,

if I could have been there.

They say they tried to fool him, those old hypocrites,

that's what they say, that's what I hear,

they say they couldn't catch him with any of their tricks.

If I could have been there just to see it,

if I could have been there.

They say he looked down from the cross they nailed him to,

that's what they say, that's what I hear,

they say he said, "Forgive them -- they don't know what they do."

If I could have been there just to see it,

if I could have been there.

They say that they saw him three days after he died,

that's what they say, that's what I hear,

they say that they touched him, he was standing up alive.

If I could have been there just to see it,

if I could have been there.

There's a lyric video of this song which you can find here, and you can get this track from Amazon here. The rough cut video was posted on YouTube on 8/7/09 - click here to watch that video.

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