Since You Don't Belong to Me
Since you don't belong to me
I guess I belong being free.
That's the way I always said that I should be
but it doesn't seem as good
as I used to think it would.
Now I don't even know if I think it should.
Since I've got a lot of time
and this time, it's got to be all mine,
I guess I sure could spend some of it cry'n.
It's not that I'm in need
of your precious company.
It's just something to do since you don't belong to me.
Since you don't belong to me
I don't need to think about you.
You just took up my time, you see.
Now I can do what I want to do.
I can lie awake all night whenever I want to.
Since you don't belong to me
I know you've got somewhere else to be
and so do I, if you know what I mean
and about my somewhere else,
it's just the place to talk to myself
now that's I've got this sad, sad story to tell.
The rough cut video was posted on YouTube on 12/5/11 - click here to watch that video.